The copper strands are made of CuEk wire by single or multi-layer stranding. The stranding direction of the outer layer of the cable is always to the right. The specifications for the material of the copper wire strands are in MSZ 64 and MSZ 4956 and DIN 48200/1.

termékek rézsodratok01
termékek rézsodratok02

The table below shows the technical parameters of the layer-stranded cables according to MSZ and DIN standards.

Nominal section Actual section Wire Wire Strand diameter Weight Calculated tensile strength Current
mm² mm² number
mm kg/km kp A
10 10.2 7 1.35 4.05 90 410 90
16 15.89 7 1.7 5.1 143 650 125
25 24.25 7 2.1 6.3 219 990 160
35 34.36 7 2.5 7.5 310 1405 200
50 49.48 7 3 9 447 2020 250
50 48.36 19 1.8 9 438 1980 250
70 65.82 19 2.1 10.5 597 2690 310
95 93.27 19 2.5 12.5 846 3810 380
120 117 19 2.8 14 1061 4780