FK and FKE type plastic hoisting ropes, complying with the requirements of EN 1492 standard. They are made of polyester, with colored single-layer or reinforced sheath, with ton marking strips and load capacity printed on them.

műanyag körkötél

Round rope with normal sheath

EN 1492-2:2000

  • with single-layer, color coded PES sheath
  • with ton marking stripes
  • load capacity is printed on them
  • safety tag and instructions for use

Round rope with reinforced sheath

EN 1492-2:2000

  • single-layer, color-coded PES protective sheath, with extra abrasion resistance
  • with ton marking stripes
  • load capacity is printed on them
  • safety tag and instructions for use

műanyag körkötél

műanyag körkötél